BLK VAN GOGH Jada S Haynes Portfolio

After discovering an archived letter from their ancestor Birdtee about life as a Black woman born in Lookeba Oklahoma in 1914, Haynes created consumed. They reflect on the things that carried forward; independence instilled in the Haynes’ womxn and their consequential but fairly unrecognized successes. They mourned over the things lost; the lack of archiving leaving the spoken and quilted ideas of their history and the raw edges of what makes Haynes unenclosed. Consumed maps their journey back to the Bay Area accompanied by emotional distress and uncomfortable senses of impermanence that felt like echoes of feelings beyond their own.

This piece is also included in the Silently Violent Series.

Displayed at Root Division for Now Ain't Some Day Yet  from June 7th to June 28th 2023; WAL Public Market Gallery in Sacramento, California March - April 2024